

dear diary: looking back & moving on.

a year ago today we sold our business. it was a wonderful business with beautiful pale green walls, full of lovely smells, great homemade food & sweets, friendly people and one that had high hopes.

the downfall for us was the location, type of clientele - demographic - and size. we had a great concept but alas had bitten off more than we could chew and had chosen the wrong location.

we had acquired it at a ridiculous price and dove in head first into the renovation. we brought it from not to hot! tired and beat we opened to great response. the problem, again, was the area was not lucrative and they were stuck in the old ages of bakery concepts - not ready for a more modern bakery cafe other than the starbucks down the street.

the before shot




at this time as well we heard from a company who offered the husband an amazing position and since things weren't turning around at the shop we jumped at it and put it on the market.

fortunately for us we sold. so many other businesses have to close the doors and walk away - we were almost one of them. i know we are lucky. still it's bittersweet. it had been a dream. a dream that had started in our kitchen then moved to a table at the local farmer's market.

i want to again thank all the family and friends who supported us and helped us create our sweet life. brief as it was, it was life changing.

do we regret selling? no
would we do it again? perhaps. although it would have to be a push cart or mobile truck. maybe an etsy store. not a retail location.

i feel like i'm still trying to find my path. whatever that may be. but for right now i am done looking back and will only look forwards.

my mom and sisters who came to help.

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