

no love for gnocchi.

as an avid watcher of top chef i am of course glued to this season of all-stars - and quite excited for the upcoming top chef canada - but it did seem to become top gnocchi for one contestant, fabio. and funny enough in his season he lambasted jamie for using scallops all the time and to quote him "this is not top scallop."

so in honour of constantly being subjected to watching him make gnocchi i though i would see what all of the fuss was about. having never tried it - i can hear my mom saying right now oh yes you have! - okay not remembering ever trying it, i thought we would give it a go. i combined it with pesto and diced asparagus.

for me the gnocchi is merely a chorus member and doesn't quite get top billing. a whole bowl was too much - i think this is more of a side dish. it was good but i won't go out of my way to make it again. i will serve the rest tonight beside some baked chicken as i can't bring myself to throw out food, not matter how much it was not enjoyed.

unfortunately for fabio he was eliminated from top chef - maybe the judges felt the same. too one note. too much gnocchi. the name is top chef after all, not top gnocchi.

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