

april 23rd - a celebration of sorts.

one year. 365 days. in this house.

i still cannot believe that it has been one year. it has gone by so fast. a blink of an eye.

it seems like only yesterday that i walked into the house for the first time just steps ahead of the movers, only to find food and junk still in the kitchen cabinets and the garage full to the brim of leftover stuff. yes i am telling the truth. quele nightmare. and the backyard - i am getting heart palpitations remembering the state of the backyard. the horror. this house was in a sorry state of affairs when we moved in and we have definitely brought it up a few notches. is it done? no. is it better? yes. are we happy with it? absolutely.

i have always said give me a year and i will have the house done but not in this case. i have never had a house that needed so much yard work and so much painting. plus we have never really lived in a new city where we want to explore and where i don't know where all my resources are quite yet - many things would have been done if we were still living in vancouver but i am still trying to find my bearings and supplies out here. we have spent many weekends exploring rather than painting and also playing together - making up for the three months lost.

we were going to celebrate on saturday in true homeowner fashion by re-seeding and re-planting a portion of the lawn but mother nature had another plan so we decided to go to the movies instead. a real treat in this castle. we saw rio. so cute. i wasn't sure if i was going to enjoy it but i laughed and cried along with everyone. the kids had a blast. and they had kid 3d glasses!! about time - someone must have heard me complaining last time!

then true to our nature - and because there was playoff hockey on - we plowed through plates of the husbands fabulous wings, a couple of bud light limes each and i made a strawberry galette to top it off.

a good day all around.

celebration strawberry galette
4 cups large diced ripe ripe strawberries (or substitute any berry you want)
1/4 cup cornstarch
1/2 cup sugar
juice from one lemon
1 recipe go-to pie dough (see below)
1 egg, beaten
some sugar for sprinkling.

make the pie dough. roll out into  large circle as shown below.
combine the berries, corn starch, sugar and lemon until no starch is visible.
pour onto prepared crust.
fold the edges over creating a fan - leave the center exposed. dot the top with cold butter. using a pastry brush paint on the egg and sprinkle with sugar - this make it all golden brown and sun kissed.
bake st 400 F for 25 minutes until the berries get all bubbly. if the crust is getting too dark too soon cover lightly with foil and keep cooking. allow to cool slightly and enjoy with vanilla whip cream, creme anglaise or vanilla ice cream.

my go-to pie dough. 
after tinkering with other recipes and my tastes this is what i have come up with. enjoy.
3 cups all purpose flour
1 tablespoon of sugar
1 teaspoon salt
1 cup unsalted butter, cold and cut into small cubes
3/4 cups ice cold water

place in food processor the flour, sugar and salt - pulse a few times to mix up. place butter in flour mix and pulse a few times till butter roughly the size of peas/hazelnuts. while pulsing in quick short bursts add the water slowly (a drizzle) through top tube. as soon as dough comes together into a ball remove from processor and divide into two equal balls. flatten to a disk, wrap in plastic and refrigerate for 1 hour minimum. dough can be refrigerated for up to 3 days or frozen for up to three months. thaw in fridge before rolling out if using frozen.

makes 2 balls of dough. enough for two 9-inch single crust pies or one double crust.

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