

experience the wonderful is on facebook!


if you didn't already know, i broke down and set us up on facebook - experience the wonderful is on facebook!

so much has happened around here to bring us into the 21st century that mine and the husbands heads are spinning. we have been stuck in 1990's for far too long. that decade did rock but times they are a changing.

now you can keep plugged in to what we are doing, what we are cooking and how much fun we are having experiencing our wonderful.

and the best thing? anyone can like us over there. i have crammed this post with links so you can reach us and as well we have a handy button over on the right hand side of this blog that takes you there too. also you can share and our facebook page with friends of yours that you think might be down with our style.

so come on over, like us and drop us a note. we would love to hear from you, know what you are up to, share some cyber-scones & tea and experience your wonderful with you.

thank you to everyone who is already following our journey, y'all rock! now hang on tight - we are just getting started!

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