

Six months gone + july.

I still can't believe that six months of 2011 is gone. History. Part of our history.

When Christmas ended and January rolled around the prospect of June/July seemed so far off. A dream. The distant future. Maybe because it was so cold I never thought we would see sunshine again.....

As I reflect on the last six (seven) months I am amazed and in awe at the progress, fun, growth, laughter, tears and love we have experienced.....

Two kids learned how to skate on the slaved over outdoor rink.

Coop's French continues to improve.

Aydan excelled at school and left kindergarten reading!

Teeth got wiggly and lost - but that one elusive one still remains empty.

The husband made a move at work and their is possibly another in the works.

I found my voice and hopefully something sustaining can grow from that.

We have become a part of this new community and really feel at home.

I am so excited that I had started with project life at the beginning of the year and that I have kept up with it. Best decision! To be able to sit and leaf through the first binder symbolizing the first six months of 2011 is priceless. To be able to reflect on where we were to where we are now is.......I can't find the words. I'm excited for the next six months and what our future as a family holds.

Tomorrow is the official start of our vacation. If you had asked me at Christmas if we were going on vacation I would have said no because that was the situation. The husband's work had a deadline and there would be no vacation - jump ahead six months to where the deadline has been pushed up twice and we get to go!! I myself have had this week off and not until yesterday did it start to feel vacationy - I did a lot of what I had to and not much of what I wanted to. Next week though, different story, I am going to do a lot of what I want to and not much of what I have to. The kids are going to eat way too much peanut butter, too many hot dogs and hamburgers, and too many treats. But isn't that what vacation is all about?

also on monday i will be turning 34...when did that happen?

all next week i am going to be showcasing 5 fabulous women as guest bloggers while i am playing with my kids and splashing in the lake. stay tuned!!


  1. I am so amazed at your ability to chronicle the year like this! Huge, ginormous kudos to you! It's a gorgeous book. :)

  2. I love this! For us "former and recovering" scrapbookers (ugh, I hate that word) I would love to know more about your "style" of documenting the year. Would make for an awesome how - to post!!
