

good bye dear friend.

summer summer are leaving us. you greeted us fondly and have wrapped us around your little finger showering us with sunshine instead of rain, hot hot days instead of cool, more than our fair share of days at the waters edge, allowing us to cool down guilt-free with as many jumbo freezies that we could, granting us many nights at the ball field and allowing us to practice the other nights, for a bounty of bike walks, a trip to the water slides and a most memorable trip to the lake.

slowly but surely you are slipping away. i can feel fall coming on strong like the guy at the bar smiling at you from down the way who you eventually give the wrong number to. the season you don't want around because that means you have to give up the last one, the one that brought you and your family so much happiness. i don't want it to end - we had so much fun exploring our area and even though i LOVE halloween, apple picking, the leaves changing colour, sweaters, pink rosy cheeks, all that fall does bring and christmas (have already started my christmas shopping) i am not ready to give up my hopes on summer just yet.

in this transition we are going to be giving up salads and grilling to make way for comfort food and braising. fresh fruit desserts are cast aside for rich spiced cakes. beer is...well lets not get carried away there! bathing suits retire for snow suits. t-shirts for sweaters, the light for the get the idea. we are going to be poised at the window's scanning the sky for the first signs of snow fall - that's what i am dreading. the snow...there is so much of it here i'm in awe.

now that we are settling back into our school routine and are putting the lazy days of summer behind us i am hoping to get back to my weekly organization of sorts and be more prepared for life. summer around here is a free for all and now it's time to get down to business. i am bursting with recipes and tales to tell as well as some new weekly series that i think will fit quite nicely around here. and of course there will always be room for the random thought or kid moment to explore, post and cherish. cause let's face it they are pretty cool kids.

as i sit here staring out the window to what i expect is one of the last remotely warm days preparing to soak up the sun at the park i am actually getting excited for what the fall and eventual winter will bring. i think i am now ready to say goodbye to summer and let the good times roll. thanks for listening.

there are more pictures to see - just click on the button!


  1. Fabulous summer recap!! I'm so looking forward to Fall refreshing and a time to relax.

  2. What a fabulous recap and your photos are fantastic. I especially love the log flume one!
    Good to hear you aren't giving up beer.

  3. These photos are a fantastic chronicle of your kid's wonderful summer. Great photos.

  4. what a beautiful summer you had. I can see why you would find it hard to say goodbye. I really like your writing and your photos are beautiful. Looking forward to many more lists, will be making a Christmas one just for you, when the time comes :)

  5. Such great pictures that captured your happy summer moments. Love them all :)
