

my clever husband.

a year and a half ago we moved house. not only did we move, we moved across the great big country of canada. from the vancouver area to the montreal area. and as all people know that even when you find the perfect house it is never the perfect house. there is always some tweaking, some painting...something to do.

now i have to hand it to my husband - with him being already in montreal and the kids and i back in vancouver - the complete job of house {and town, for that matter} hunting rested on his shoulders. every weekend he went out and toured, sent photo's of possibilities and links back to me and that's how we settled on the house and town we currently reside. we moved in {the first time i physically saw the house was the day we moved in with the moving truck hot on our heels} and then the wheels started turning and the plans started.

the one thing about this house is the odd property layout. there is no huge backyard and smaller side and front areas. it's almost like they found the center of the property and put the house there so all side are equal. this proves hard when trying to organize a touch football game but it also does provide one with smaller gathering areas and multiple "yards" if you will. so it was to become that the left side on the house was to be the "playyard" - the one of which all the kids play things will go and where the dog will not so we don't have to worry about the occasional land mine accident.

thankfully for us there was already a fence attached to the back of the house but that left a whole section of property untouched that ran the length of the house and up to the road. an untouched goldmine. so with placing a fence up at the front of the house we were creating a pace for the kids that was as big as some people's entire backyard, was completely kid friendly and closed off from the road & public. a kids oasis.

and this is where my clever husband came in. on our never ending quest to add property value and curb appeal to the joint, he came up with a design that complemented the house so well i can't believe it was not originally part of the house. he shopped, gathered, cut, nailed, hammered and painted away and created a space for the kids to play in and for me to be able to relax a bit knowing that they were somewhat safe. contained, i think, is more the word i'm looking for. what a clever guy he is, that man of mine.

now on to the next!!!

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