

getting organized.

next week our little pirate turns five. we are all so excited. we have had a bit of the birthday fever around here, pushed aside christmas for a weekend, and the little princess was getting a little down about her wish list for santa. we all had trudged onto toys r us the other day to get HIS birthday gift, so we are not doing it the night before, and in her words "all we looked at were boys toys {with a little pout}". so armed with this new info i sat her down at the computer, online store layed out in front of her and said "the web is your oyster...have at her." and she did. she had a great time looking through everything, picking, inspecting, questioning her choices and came up with a great list. hope santa is good to her this year {although while writing this she has been flirting with the naughty/nice line.......}

**if you notice one of the entries, madam draculara, which was new as of yesterday, is one i grabbed out of a sale bin weeks ago thinking maybe she would like this too. and now it's on the list!! love it when i get it right!

**maybe a perfect printing workbook would be good too....i think we need to work on that.*sigh*.

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