

friday & everything else.

hey there.

i had a lofty goal last night after i said goodnight to ricky gervais and all the movie stars that i would let you in on our weekend and all the fabulous things we did.
it was late.
i was i didn't write it.

but i am here now to let you in on all the secrets that passed.
it felt like a long weekend because we got so much done but it was just a regular old and has made me feel really great for starting a new week.

friday started out with so many goals in mind.
muffins were first on the agenda and then a little taping for the later idea of finally painting the basement and a little playtime.

it's still snowing. it's been snowing for 2 days now - quite heavy too...and cold! like in the minus teens cold. bbrrrr!!!

then it descended. the dreaded you get those? i hate them. i don't get too many in a year but when i's awful. this was my view after lunch was over. i stayed like this for a while.

it passed after 4 hours.
after that was done and i knew the husband was working late i was determined to get my paint on and attack the downstairs walls i have had puttied for like ever.

i think it turned out rather nice. dark sage green to lavender. brighten up the playroom. done - check! although i did run out of paint and missed one wall so i have to decide if i want to get a pint of paint to finish or just leave it at two walls rather then three and paint the rest out the same colour. ask me next year when i finally get to the rest!! haha.

saturday we woke up to a beautiful sunshiny cold day.
i had to dig the car out to go and get the oil change and remote starter put in.
the car was not happy with me. it started but not before giving me a piece of it's mind while doing so.

they couldn't do the starter. shoot.
while i waited i picked up ribs and had some reading time. pretty nice.

this was my drive back. not too shabby.

mail prints.
and chocolate croissants were in order. and no i didn't make them from scratch - contrary to the movie it's complicated it takes a little longer to make your own puff pastry dough, roll it, proof it and bake up croissants.

the to-do list at the house is a mile long but what do you do after it has snowed for 2 days straight and it's bright and beautiful? you go and find one of these.
and do some of this.

i picked up an old wooden toboggan at the local thrift store for $5 in the fall and we had the fastest one out there - what luck! the husband wants to wax it out!! yikes.
it got a little too cold for coop. his toes were frozed.
what a better way to heat up than in the sink!

he camped out here for a while.
then we heated up with some hot chocolate as well.

i put a candy cane in mine - a little extra treat...shhhh!!!

dinner...yum. love when ribs go on special.

we had also got some movies from the video store and settled in for family movies and a long winter's nap.

sunday was just as nice but very very cold.
the rink was tended to and skated on.
some hot tubbing was done.
groceries were bought.
stew was started.
and this beauty was bought...hello photo storage!

this was on sunday's agenda....finally getting to the trim & door of the bathroom. next i need to do the curtains and get the print for the big wall and it will be perfect! oh and i wanted to get some bling for the cabinets...a little frosting.

the bat crew settled into watching batman & robin while i painted......

then to bed and the grown-ups stayed up to watch the golden globes, listen to ricky and rate the fashion. some of my favorites won and some didn't but all in all i really liked it.
it was a great weekend.

this is what i woke up to today and have to tackle right now.

i think i will ask a jane austin movie to keep me company as i search and destroy.
yes the sounds like a great plan.

how was your weekend?
did you watch? did your favorites win?

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