

good bye 2011...hello 2012!

on the last day of the year this year we had a blast.

we had some friends over.
we skated and skated and skated.

we had a fire rinkside with hot chocolate with marshmallows and roasted hot dogs.

we savoured the time outside till our toes told us it was time to trek in.

inside we ate scallops.

and had champagne.

and played rabbids on the kinect till the clock struck 10pm. that's when we told the kids it was new years - we all yelled happy new years at the top of our lungs - them we tucked them in to bed and wish them safe travels as they coasted the sea shores in their dreams, fought pirates and swam with mermaids.

we cozied up and watched dick clark and bruce springsteen ring in the new year. it was wonderful. small. simple.

the first day of the year had a slightly different tone. it was pajama day. when i asked aydan at 12:30 if we should change or just stay in our pajamas, she thought for a minute then decided for us that today should be a pajama day. i didn't challenge her. i embraced it. i loved it.

we stayed home in our pajama's and did pajama type things. we ate eggs benedict. with the roasted ham from friday night. with poached eggs done in the heard me. first time doing it. the best.

mario cart wars were going all morning {thank you auntie kim}.

the husband built the rod hockey table the kids got for christmas {thank you auntie tracy and uncle richard}. after hearing a few grumbles and grunts travel down the stairs we were off and playing. a round robin started up and coop wiped the floor with them all.

the usual rhythm of this day includes tearing down all signs of christmas, no matter what. but this year seems to have a different vibe to it and i have decided that christmas can hang around a few more days. i am totally okay with that. maybe because i felt christmas came and left so fast this year. i am not ready to see it go but will say goodbye little by little throughout the week. but for today it's staying put.

i made this soup because i had a ham bone and have never done it and it was awesome! complete with a make your own sandwich bar - just that kind of day.

it was also a cinnamon bun kind of day. and of course there had to be a kitchen fort.

wrapped it up with a screening of home alone 2 which had the kids in hysterics and me saying "you know you really can't do that in real life" more than once. then off to bed where they each got a story. this is my favorite time and each time we do it i dread the day they are too cool for me - for us. but for tonight i will take it, soak it up and hope that the rest of 2012 is as delicious as the first day has been.

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