

you + two.

photo courtesy of
 i came across this amazing project - stoves for haiti by the adventure project.

today marks the two year anniversary of the devestating earthquake that shattered haiti.

could you even imagine? in one moment you lose it all, some lost loved ones as well as their homes and everything they ever had. gone.

to mark the two year anniversary....the Adventure Project is running a HUGE fundraiser.

it's called You + Two  

this project is hoping to create a ripple effect like pay it forward - it's simple, buy your stove and have two people you know buy a $20 charcoal-efficient stove each for a family in haiti. then they have two people they know buy one and so on. hopefully this way the goal will be met and they will get some help.

for me i am doing this in the name of one of the most special women i know - Helen Minshull. she is right now battling lymphoma but the chemo for this is causing her to lose her fight with PSC - a liver condition. i want to do this for her so she can see in the next few months how much people regard her, what they are willing to do for her and for the women of haiti.
for her to see how much people love her and how that love will make a difference to the world.

The Adventure Project Holiday Stove Campaign from The Adventure Project on Vimeo.

"We want to turn the second anniversary of the Haiti earthquake into a day of record-breaking impact.

It's a simple idea. We are each finding 2 friends. Two friends who will recognize the anniversary by sponsoring a $20 charcoal-efficient stove for a family in Haiti. And the movement begins when those two friends reach out to their 2 friends.

These stoves are revolutionary, allowing families to breathe easier, cook faster, and increase their income by saving on fuel costs. The money saved is money used to send their kids to school, start small businesses, and eat more nutritious food. The stoves are produced locally in Port au Prince and sold by women entrepreneurs. It's a sustainable business model providing a life-saving product.

So we are marking this anniversary with a ripple movement of friends.
2 years, 2 friends, 2 stoves.

Buy your stove. And find your two friends."

for some reason - right now in this moment - i feel very passionate about this and i implore you all to help as well. if we all band together we can help make a difference.

visit their link and start a fundraising page of your own.
blog about it. share it on facebook. tweet about it.
buy a stove in someones name as a gift to THEM. 
take advantage of all this social media we have at our fingertips and get this project out there.
let's show our support. let's help.

do i have two friends? do i have more?

please - i hope ALL my friends will help and donate. help us reach the goal.
join me here today to donate! (to the left is the link!! go on click on it!)
it's $20 - can you spare it to help out another family? to help children? i bought mine. will you buy yours?


  1. I discovered this project this week too and am just getting around to blogging about it. I googled the "you+two" and saw your post. I love your idea of doing it in honor of a specific woman. Really cool! Kelly

  2. thanks kelly!! for me it felt like the right thing to do!! go now and donate!! ~jen
