

notes from the last two weeks.

have you ever had a couple of weeks where so much happened but not enough to make up a whole post but you want to share them anyways?
that was my last two weeks.

+ happy mail came in the form of fabric. since i can't go to craft weekend {to far and expensive from here} i thought i would bring craft weekend to me! i'm going to whip up a few goodies for this summer...shhhh.....
the second photo is my order of my drapery fabric. it came!!

+coop made that lego statue all by himself! he was so proud of it, and i of him, that i had to snap a shot.

+figured out how to transfer the whole iphoto library over to a hard drive {14,000+ photos!} all by myself. pretty proud moment there.

+finally got to my lamp project. don't you love it? fill ya in alter.

+took some shots of that pretty girl. melts my heart every time.

+took the kids out skating by myself. loved doing that and finally got a shot of gordon to share will y'all!

+we did some painting and i found another use for my clothes horse...who knew?
i bet all of you and you were keeping it from me! ;)

+was doing ayd's homework with her and found her to be quite clever when it came to her q words - quest and question. she's a wise one that girl.

+saturday tackled doing the valentines photo shoot with the kids - worked out awesome but i am going to talk to you about that tomorrow!

+at the bus stop before going to school, i asked aydan why she doesn't like ham sandwiches anymore and she just looked me straight in the eye and said "i don't know, the taste got away."
well, how can you argue with that? hhmmm......

+aydan went tubbing with the school monday on their pro-d day. she loved it. l o v e d it!
planning to get us all there sometime in the next couple of weeks....hope coop goes for it as well.....

+the husband left for a week of work in vancouver {the lucky skunk!}. been missing him tons and can't wait for sunday night!

+got through valentines with most of the projects i had on tap completed. also i forgot to mention that cooper made valentines too! aren't they cute?

+the pouches - so happy about that valentines project - been on the project board for three years!! i made the pouches for all their loot to go into - like little mailboxes - started them three years ago and finally this year i attached the snaps, the button & ribbon and the initial.
why do i let things get away from me...felt so good to have this done & they are so cute too....
now onto my december daily.....yikes

that's about it! oh i did also locate the stink in my fridge, i think. all i know is that it's now sparkly clean and doesn't smell no more! but you don't want to hear about that!!!
{why do i wait so long to give it a good once over??}

{oh that's right.....because i am so darn busy!}

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