

one irish weekend.

{due to technical difficulties on my part i am sharing this with you today rather than last week.}

last last weekend we went irish.
the whole weekend.
we had an irish dancing weekend in celebration of st. patricks day.

first up was entertaining the elderly at a retirement home on the west island of montreal.
we ended up in the north island of montreal. {$#@% google maps!}
after getting it together, figuring out WHERE i was and skirting the line of the speed limit, we made it for aydan's big moment. {thankfully i have driven around here since moving to these parts!}

that's my little irish dancer.
i knew she would dance...but...i always thought it would be ballet like me.
i have never heard of this kind of dancing in these parts.
my grandmother loved lord of the dance, that's my exposure to it.
but she is great.
they are all great and the teachers are awesome. so encouraging.
and she loves it.
that's the most important.

sunday was the parade.
right through downtown montreal.
the parade crowd was nothing like i had ever seen. wild. loud. and very green.
and you are really not going to see it either because my pictures suck.
they are horrible.

i got a few but it was hard too.
these are them:

pretty weak huh?
i must have seem like i was crashing the parade because i almost got thrown back into the crowd.
separated from our group. voted off the island. i had to yell at him that my daughter was in the middle of dancing.
i'm not joking. {i really wasn't that drunk....haha}
coop was our real irish boy - red hair, green shirt - at one point the husband told coop to wave because all these people were here to see him and later he told me all about how all those people where there to see him! how cute is that?

aydan was back at it monday night and is excited to go every week.
soon she will trade in her dancing shoes for soccer cleats.
i hope she likes that just as much.
but that's not for a while. summer time. we are going to be at the soccer field 4 times at week. yes that's right. but i will tell you about that then. for now we are dancing.

do your kids do summer activities? are they looking forward to them?
what's their favorite?


here is the longer version the husband made to celebrate the occasion.

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