

a little bit of this, a little bit of that.

it has been one of those weeks.
the kind where the goal is the widdle down the to-do list.
the dreaded to-do list.
that one where you are all ambitious to what you can accomplish in a day, a week, that no matter how hard you try and how busy your day seems you really only get one or two things crossed off? {except of course if you put laundry, dishes and vacuuming down - which i sometimes do to make myself feel better....}

things on my list right now:
  • pay hydro
  • set up monthly equal billing on hydro
  • photoshop selected photo's
  • order photo's
  • blank blank blank for summer
  • steam clean kitchen
  • laundry
  • email meg re: bunting and aprons
  • aydan's tutu
  • sand down door tops
  • orange peel cleaner
  • week in the life
  • december daily
to name a few. it happens to be longer but i won't bore you with all the gory details.
although i have been super three days i have done three things of my "list."
blerg. ugh.
{notice i actually did put laundry down so i could cross something off!}

plus my constant companion has been a chest cough which makes me sound like i smoke 2 packs a day and gave me a rough sleep last night. no aches and pains anywhere else. just this awful cough.

monday was actually nice {cough and all} and not filled with 60 mile per hour icy winds so we took to the outdoors, going to the park and fixing up the yard.
progress was made - beds were prepped, plants were assigned and now it's been raining for two days.

on the weekend we got a box of goodies from my mom and in it were leather jackets for the kids.
they rocked them all weekend and then aydan sported hers to school on monday.
too cute is all i have to say.

tuesday we took to the comfort and shelter of the house {since the rain continued} to do the dreaded house work.
floors and laundry were on the agenda and i did feel rather accomplished when it was all said and done.
even made it to the second floor after the main and basement were complete.
pat on the back - i earned it.

made this for dinner in celebration of the husband being able to join us - he left work the previous night at 12 midnight! poor fella.
it was so good!! broke down and bought the sherry - will be put to good use when i make this a million times over & i bought that fast fry steak which i would normally do this with it but it went with this recipe perfect.

and we ended the meal with celebrate my extended elliptical time.
i keep adding more time without the huffing and puffing. getting up there.

you will find the recipe here. {next time i will add the oats.}
and you're welcome.

today has a rather gloomy outlook outside so inside has been the top choice for everyone again.
kitchen is actually clean. {amazing!!}
house looks okay. {double yeah!!!}
so i am going to let you peek on the next project.....the tv room.

we are going to paint the walls gray & trim white, add curtains - i'm thinking white and green thick striped, create a desk/computer area behind the couch, some new decorative pieces and a new light fixture.
a new couch would be heaven but the dollars DO NOT stretch that far. too bad, so sad.

this was lunch for my today:

trying real hard to work off the 20 extra pounds i am carrying.
was really good and had most of this for good measure....

but i can't stop thinking about the black bottom cookies hiding in the bread box!!!
what's a girl to do???

for tonight we are going to have poached eggs, pumpkin waffles and bacon {for coop}.
i need to incorporate spinach in there somehow.....or maybe some sweet potato hash.

also i would love to wish our niece jamie a wonderful 18th birthday!!! happy birthday darling and i hope you have a very special day. we are thinking of you. xoxo

{this post took to long to write and i had a cookie. oh crap.}


  1. Oh, doesn't it feel so good to get things done? I have so many things on my to do list (and so much I haven't even added yet), I'm feeling slightly overwhelmed. I can't wait to see what your TV room will look like after the color change - how exciting!! Wishing you a wonderful rest of your week/a happy weekend!

  2. thanks lisa. i am excited for it to. if only the trim painter would get on the job we would be seeing results already...oh yeah that's me! maybe margarita cinco de mayo with inspire me!!! more likely not...
