

a patch of sunshine.

last weekend we experienced a patch of sunshine.
maybe i should call it a wisp? a glimmer perhaps? or better yet an illusion?
whatever it was, it compelled me + half of the area to high tail it to the garden center, stock up and start the transformation.
get rid of the winter yuck and add in the spring beauty.
this year, more than ever, i have noticed the effects of winter and how horrible the yard looks as the snow melts and the grass peaks through.
we have made plans.
big plans.
plans so big that i actually thought about them last night and crossed one project off the list.
i can't do it all and have decided to concentrate on what i feel i CAN do.
and do it well. focus.
i can transform small three small beds + the vegetable patch but i am going to leave the 38 foot long bed i wanted to create on the left side yard for next summer.
the husband has been working late nights + weekends now {till his project is complete} so it's all me.
and i have plenty of work for little old me.
i still then have to maintain them. that's where i fall short. that where i lose my focus.
but we are off topic...slightly.

last weekend we concentrated on the front - the curb appeal.
cleaning the beds.
feeding the beds.
planting more in the beds.
i have my fingers crossed for the beds.


i also got my hanging baskets made.
i had bought moss baskets on clearance last summer/fall & i was itching to fill them and get them out.
they look gorgeous!
very impressed and i can't wait till they have grown a bit and the ivy is trailing.

this week has decided to rain for three days {great for the beds} but also the temperature has dipped to about 11 degrees {not so great for my baskets.} it's on the rise today so fingers crossed.
i have to remember to rescue them if something out of the ordinary happens...which has in the past.
snow storms. now. in may. seriously.
i have noticed a difference already in the beds from last weekend to now - i guess i should have used miracle grow from the get go!
the stuff really does work!
i am going to create a herb garden in the front as well and that is my next task then i can official cross the front of my list.
i LOVE that.
crossing things off.
with a big red marker.

i missed the apple tree sale.
they had sold out by the time i got my horse and buggy there.
i have been trying for three years to get an apple tree on this property.
i LOVE the look of apple trees. the snarly branches. the character.
reminds me of my aunts house.
i will succeed though. maybe next summer. maybe i should just pay full price....
decisions. decisions.
i will prep that area and see what happens. see which way the wind blows.

i think the yard already looks a million times better.
and that makes me happy.

did you get a glimpse of that moon the other night?

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