

to the fair we go!

monday around here was a holiday for some.
it was for me and the kids {the husband had to work}
since we had taken the day off on sunday there were a few errands i had to knock out before the fun could begin.
and since it was a glorious day out we spent the whole thing out of doors.
i gardened on the side yard for the better part of the morning/early afternoon and then it was time to go.

to the fair. the carnival as the kids put it.
a parking lot carnival.
you know the ones - they set up in a major parking lot for the weekend, take all your money and in turn provide crappy rides that kids love and provide a day of fun?
yeah...those ones.

that's where we went.
the kids had a blast.
they went on most of the rides.
some old favorites.
braved new rides and discovered courage they never knew they had.
they loved it.
some rides were gone on multiple times - in a row.
some just once or twice.
aydan loves thrill rides.
cooper loves spinning rides.
good to know.

this is my new favorite photo.

the sun was shining.
the crowd was happening.
the husband joined us for the second half of the adventure.
it was so much fun!

we were just about to call it a night when cooper found his big boy strength to try out two rides he had been avoiding. the drop thing and the gater-coaster. of course we had to say yes as i wanted to seize the opportunity that he would try them. he loved them of course.
i knew he would.
he's not the kid you can push on to things - you have to let him come to it on his own.
now we are ready to go......
okay, then aydan decided she was going to try the tilt-a-whirl with cooper.
he had already been on it about 6 - 7 times. loved it.
he assured aydan she would love it too.
we gave them one more ride - it was getting late after all.

we were on the back side, taking photo's trying to get that one perfect shot of the two of them. right when we gave up we saw aydan's little head poke around the side and stick out. shoot, we missed such a good shot.....then it happened.
she threw up. while the ride was still going!
and it was a twirling ride. you get the picture.
we knew it was one ride two many.
we didn't know what to do. so we started laughing.

it was time to go home.
thank you carnival for a wonderful afternoon.
memories were made.

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