


+ crate & barrel opened up at carrefour laval and it's lovely. have already picked out a million things and now have to hunt for the more budget choices. ha!

+ wall of happy at le creuset. did you see the purple one? purple!

+ finally got another length of chain and now all the baskets are up...aren't they lovely?
actually gave up trying to match the existing white ones i have and just switched them all the silver! i am still looking though.

+ treated aydan to a mother/daughter date for her birthday to riverdance. she loved it. has decided that a career in irish dancing is in her future. we got all dressed up to go and aydan said to me as we were walking to the train "mom we are dressed so fancy - we are a couple of fashion girls!" love that.
poor thing feel asleep on the metro home!

+ a little boy got to go to kindergarten orientation. taken by dad! is he already big enough for this step? he is??!

+summer finally arrived and we got to pull out the sprinkler. every. day. this. week!

+ a mad hatter's tea party for someone's 7th birthday party is in full prepping mode and garland's are being pumped out. going to be good....

+ another project for the party plus for a couple of other shindigs we are having this summer - fabric bunting! so excited about this. might leave them up all never know!

+ a snake skin found while gardening. glad this was all i found.

+ garden progress - horrible rock bed dug out and awaiting new dirt {arriving this weekend} for new flower bed. yard is really looking great and so relieved. doesn't resemble a dumping ground or major work in progress anymore.

and that's it for now.
have lots more projects in the works to show to you all and tomorrow there will be a new kitchen tip!
it smells so good!!!
{ tastes good too!}


  1. Oh my gosh I thought the shots of you and your daughter in the car were of sisters!

    Lots of good stuff afoot! We're having a nice stretch that's drama and trauma free and it's the best.

  2. You are always up to fun stuff!!

    Your bunting is going to be fabulous. Like everything you do!


    p.s. I think you and your daughter have the same smile. It is fantastic. :)

  3. thanks ladies - we have been having fun as of late and it seems we are not slowing down!!
    we have aydan's 7th birthday next weekend, my mom is moving here on wednesday to be closer to us, we have TWO birthday parties to go to the next next weekend, then school ends and the real fun begins. we are going to be doing our summer list this weekend and i know it's going to be jam packed!! this summer - sleep is not on the list. ha!
