

life through instagram.

recently i discovered instagram.
i love it.
i love the documentation of life {i still have all my calenders and agendas from high school till now documenting everyday of my life - for the most part.} and this fits in perfectly with my style.
i have tried my hand at other types - love project life and mini books, not big on full page scrapbooking.
love this blog as my scrapbook and now i love instagram because of the instantness of it. {like my new word? spread it around like wild fire!!} 

there is still so much more to learn about it - did you know that you can get outside filters and picture frames for multiple shots at once? and i have recently discovered fonts for it to add text!!
when i dive into all these extras i will help you to enjoy it to.
let you in on all the secrets. ;)
as for right now i am going to just go old school and play with what is on there already.
i am having the best time with it.

have you discovered it yet?
are you using it?
you can follow me at @jengronick.
follow me and i will follow you back!


  1. Jen, I LOVED looking at your instagram pics! They are awesome! We don't instagram but I may look into at some point! Right now I can barely keep up with everything else! :)

  2. hey caroline...i only instagram when i get my hot little hands on my husbands phone - which is probably a good thing! ha! i am so behind on all my other things {project life etc...} so i completely understand trying to keep up with everything else...i especially am trying to keep up with you and all your wonderful projects! so inspiring. i get a week sans kids & husband starting the 7th so we will see how i use the time...probably going to the movies and not "doing". haha.

    happy summer!

  3. I also love instagram! I'm lesliesholly on there if you want to follow me.
