

canada day.

july first around these part is canada day.
well, i guess it is for the rest of the country as well.
the town next door to us has the big park celebration {our town has the jean-baptiste day one the week before}.
we donned our best red & whites and headed to the park to meet up with friends, play games and bounce in bouncy castles.

this year there was a bull riding as well. the husband forgot to take the camera with him so i got no photo of aydan on it - bummer! - i'm still shocked she got on it. i did get a shot of my sister taking it on though.
and at the games i couldn't believe that coop won a big one! good for you bud!
we then headed back to our place with some friends for a BBQ and badminton.......

then at 10:05pm we decided that yes we would like to see the 10:15 fireworks.
i LOVE fireworks so i was extra excited that we were going...i LOVE them!!
didn't i say that already???
we all piled into the cars and took off for the center of town {3 minute drive away.}.
the kids loved it.
i forgot to take my camera...bummer.
aydan keep the running commentary for the whole crowd by gushing loudly "oh! they are so beautiful!" and "aren't they awesome! so cool!!"
coop keep screaming "WOW!!" almost every time one shot into the air.
he also matched aydan's sentiments for the latter half.
they were was SO awesome.
we will go every year from now's a promise. 

we then returned home and we were all so hopped up on firework excitement there was no sleeping in the near future. so....we did what everyone does - had an outdoor fire and roasts midnight hot dogs! ha!
the night was so beautiful and when the dead weight of sleeping kids in our laps got to be too much we headed indoors.
i think i could have stayed out all night.

till next year canada. xo

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