

around here.

watching my kids each morning get on the bus together. it's amazing to see - when they think no one is looking - how much they actually do look out for each other.

painting the upstairs tv room. it's taking a little longer than i thought but already i am seeing the transformation and i love it.

ordering certain things for the house and getting ready to show off some big reveals around here.

cooking up a storm! when fall hit the oven got cranked and we have been eating like kings around here. i am brushing up on all my thanksgiving day recipes and going to share those with you next week. cooking posts all week long!

gardening has taken over. having to get rid of the fallen tree took up a lot of time as well as prepping the yard before the first frost. bulbs to plant. tomatoes to harvest - yes still producing. plants to prune. trees to cut back. one last mow on the lawn. grass seed to sprinkle.

blown away by the sun shine this week. the weather said rain rain rain and all it has been is sun sun sun. definitely have been logging in lots of hours outdoors. still not used to the winters here.

listening to lots more music these days and doing lots more dancing. and less tv {although i don't know if i am allowed to admit that.}

working on lots of projects right now i am feeling a little overwhelmed - although i have gotten a guest posting gig and i am quite excited about that! i am wanting to make halloween and christmas more of hand-made holidays this year and i keep coming up with amazing ideas! will i have enough time to execute though?

fretting over the projects that i have not completed and worried that those are going to get pushed aside - again! really have to carve out some time and get down to it. have to not let myself get side-tracked {my worst enemy, that one.}

planning on hopefully getting away with the hubs once this game and his mucho overtime is over. although he told me last night he has suddenly become "in demand".....

celebrating coop's awesome transition in to school.  no big deal at all. he's so cool.

excited that aydan is a brownie! tonight is her second meeting and this weekend she is off for a day camp and i am so happy for her. i loved it so much as a young girl and i can see she is going to as well. do mom's get to go to brownie camp too??

looking ahead to the future of our little journey. am excited for the things i am seeing.

Last week in her 52 Lifts Newsletter Ali Edwards invited readers to play along with a journaling prompt about “Currently,” “Around Here,” or “Right Now” and post on a blog or create a layout to share today.  These were my words.

1 comment:

  1. Love your post. Such a great idea of Ali's!
