

oh...hello fall.

so it's official.
fall is here.

i came to realize this yesterday as the icy wind cut through the house and ran a shiver up my spine.
although the afternoon was hot - like really hot - once that sun disappears holy moly it's cold.
and the colours everywhere are hard to miss. Tony and me were driving the other day and there was a tree that looked like it was on fire! green at the bottom, yellow/orange in the middle, red at the tips. gorgeous!
last year i remember we were doing this on thanksgiving weekend...this year we definitely were not.  so much colder this year that i am scared for what jack frost might bring come december 1st...along with elliott! {i can't wait to see that little guy again!}

i am definitely more of a pants gal myself and i wait in anticipation for the weather to cool off but i am not sure as to why it comes to a shock to me every year?
i think it's this eastcoast weather, it's a lot colder here - will i always be a westcoast girl deep down to my bones? will i ever assimilate? hhmmm.....

all i know is that i love fall. the cooking. the spices. the decor. the holidays. the crafts.
it suits me to a T! {what is that expression anyways? kills me everytime!}

the one thing that i love about fall is that you are forced to STAY INDOORS!!
isn't that glorious? there are now no more excuses to NOT get something done because you HAD to take everyone out! {well now it's going to get to the point where it's not ABSOLUTELY freezing you will force everyone outside for fresh air because you CAN'T have all the windows open! again...i miss my westcoast winters! 3 days of snow instead of 100!!!} although maybe it will now be "i couldn't get things done because everyone is on top of me??!" ha! i can finish all the projects that i have on the go that keep me inside and make me feel guilty for missing out on sunny days. this is going to make my husband very happy!
soon there will be a tv room reveal.
soon there will be a bathroom reveal.
i have a couple other things up my sleeve and am so excited to be able to get down to work and share it all with you!
plus just getting things organized around here - what a chore and relief that will be! 

but do you know why i love fall so much? why i am ssoooo excited when it comes?
because that means christmas is right around the corner!!!!! i have already dusted off the christmas tunes and have been jamming to them all week - driving Tony crazy in the process.
i. love. christmas.
and we are now one step closer.

AND i have only bought one christmas present! shocked...usually i have 75% done by now! i think this last week with aydan being sick threw me for a loop and I haven't yet recovered. i need a nap.

what about you? are you excited for fall?

**teaser...look what i ave waiting for halloween...isn't he great?

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