

our "thanks"-giving tree

when it comes to holidays i am all about tradition tradition tradition.
i also like to throw in something new every year.
be it a craft. a food. an act. i like to mix it up.
some catch on and become new traditions. some were nice to do once.
i think we have found a new tradition.

this year we made a thanks-giving tree.
it all started with a walk to make a centerpiece.
we had gathered tons of gorgeous leaves and my mom found an amazing branch.
the plan was to glue the leaves to the branch.
in the thanks.
but it did get me to thinking.

what is the most common tradition for thanksgiving?
going around the table and giving thanks.
when it's your turn you say your thanks, the words hang there in the air for a moment before tumbling to the ground to make way for your neighbour's words.
hhmmm....not good enough for me.

i want to SEE those words.
i want to READ those words.
i want to REFLECT on those words.
i want to HOLD on to those words.
and not just mine. i want to do all that with my kids words. my husbands. my moms. my friends.
now we have the thanksgiving tree.

here is a place where you can write down your thanks on a leaf and hang it on the tree. this can be done the day of thanksgiving. this can be done for the week leading up to thanksgiving. and this can be left up for a little bit so you can cherish those thanks. love those thanks. give thanks for those words.

pretty special if you ask me.

what you will need:
a sturdy branch.
a hefty vase.
fall coloured contrustion paper.
a hole punch.
willing participants.

pretty simple really: find your branch. secure your branch. cut out leaf shapes large enough for words - i cut out generic leaf and my version of oak leaves...i love the shape of oak leaves. punch a hole through the top of the leaves. cut some twine that when tied together will give your leaves a good hang. attach twine to leaves. gather all your willing participants. give thanks. hang your leaves. done.

now stand back and admire.
