

the old brussel sprout.

i love brussel sprouts.
love them.
i know that i am not alone but i am also not with the masses. i think they get a bad wrap.
people tend to hate on such a beautiful and nutritious little darling.
i, myself, like them plain. cleaned, crossed on the bottom {which i have since found out does nothing for the cooking process - i just do it cause my grandma did it.} and steamed/boiled until just soft and popped into my mouth! i always make some extra because these are what i much while cooking the feast for everyone.
but i don't stop there - i make them other nights when it's not thanksgiving or chirstmas, for just like a wednesday dinner! imagine that!

years ago, when i worked at a corporate office, there as a christmas party and i spied the sprouts and was happy that there was something green i could add to my heavy & rich plate. a co-worker was in line behind me and having seen me put multiple little cabbages on my plate he was shocked. "really?" he asked "i only put one ceremonial one on my plate because i feel i have too." so sad.

i want you to want to eat them - not because you have to but because you want to.

ever since i can remember, these have been on our table - a major part of our feast - and with a little tweaking i hope they will be part of yours too.

when i decided to jazz these babies up to appeal to the mases i thought to myself - what could i use? i thought and thought and finally settled on the one ingredient that seems to be escaping from people's lips lately...bacon. who doesn't like bacon? everyone seems to be embracing the strips, so i thought - if there was a little bacon in here would people eat them? would that draw them? i have heard of pairing these two and decided that i will give it a shot.
match made in heaven.

i hope you think so too.

if you still think that this would strike a big thumbs down with your crew then do this: steam some green beans, toast some sliced almonds {350 oven, 5 minutes, toss, then back in for 2 minutes more}. 
toss your beans in a vinaigrette of your choice - italian or homemade - and top with the almonds.

brussel sprouts & bacon.
1 pound brussel sprouts, after being trimmed, cleaned and halved lengthwise
4 strips of bacon
2 tablespoons of olive oil
1/4 cup of white wine
1/4 cup of low-sodium chicken stock

cut up your bacon in 1/4 inch strips working your way down the large strip. place in a frypan over medium high heat and sautee.
meanwhile, trim the bottom off your sprouts, peel off any tarnished leaves, cut in half lengthwise and set aside.
once your bacon is cooked, remove from pan and place on a plate with paper towel and pat grease away. set aside.
drain out bacon grease from pan but do not wipe out your pan. toss your sprouts into the same pan and drizzle with the olive oil. sautee your sprouts over medium heat till they soften slightly, get bright green and start to caramelize. add your liquids, coating the sprouts and cook down the liquid till none remains - tossing around as you go.
once all the liquid has all evaporated and the sprouts are soft and have some colour on them, add the bacon back to the pan, cook for one more minute and remove from heat.
serve with your fabulous dinner!!

*if you don't want to use the wine double the stock.


  1. I make these and sprinkle blue cheese crumbles over the top and put the lid on the pan for a couple of minutes so it melts. So good!

  2. oh my goodness! that does sound delicious! i had some blue cheese with a steak salad the other night {which i am thinking of featuring soon!} and i now want to have that taste again - i think my brussels are going to get jazzed up this weekend! thanks for the tip.
