

planting christmas bulbs.

i love christmas.
did you know that?
L O V E  I T!
more than anything i think. i would be so happy to live in christmas town...i don't think even the snow would get to me if i got to live there. forever.
that's how dedicated i am to the cause of christmas.

anyways come this time of year i dream of all things christmas.
i prepare for all things christmas.
and every year i seem to miss something. but not this year.
i have a lot of my blogs in my reader and i try to get to most of them when i can. they are beautiful blogs filled with shiny things {most of which i will never make}, beautiful decor and soul crushing expectations. something i always seem to see - come christmas - are gorgeous red flowers in the background on those gorgeous blogs {not poinsettias} and little white blooms poking their heads out too and fro. that's when my little light-bulb goes off and i say {sometimes loudly which seems to startle the dog} "ugh! i forgot again!!!"
but this year i didn't!!!!!
this year i hustled to home depot and select a few bulbs for myself. i took the time, set myself up outside, picked a few vases - cause i liked the look of that - and got down to business.
this year we are going to have paperwhite's decorating the house and a glorious bright red amaryllis.

this year i remembered. this year maybe i will be shiny and bright.

right now my house is decorated with vases of tony gently put it. but they will be flowers soon. fingers crossed. there are little sprouts, as you can plainly see, and i have been staring at them willing them to grow. and i have seen some progress......i am hoping that i am not the week late that i suspect i am. the point of all this is that i did it. at one point we will have beautiful bulb growing indoors and be able to enjoy flowers come this winter. and then i can celebrate it in my december daily.
so excited about that.
so excited about christmas!!!!!

soon my house will be decorated for christmas with flowers and racing flag bunting for a hot wheels party. now that is going to be fun!!!

love this.....i am political like pheobe. always.
merry christmas!


i have an important update for you!!

remember 2011 when i blogged to y'all about the new delta faucet we got? the beautiful shiny one with the touch technology to help with your chicken hands? the gorgeous one that i never thought in my lifetime i would have?
well i have been secretly conducting an experiment with it and that has now come to a close.
this faucet has many features, many pros and cons. there was a secret con that i had...well it's not secret but i kept my dislike for it a secret. the fact is it comes with batteries. of course it has batteries - that's how the sensor works. my first thought about this was bummer - now this faucet is going to costs us more money and is it worth it? i see how kids toys suck the life out of batteries and since i am CONSTANTLY doing dishes this is going to suck the life out of them and i am going to constantly be buying and changing batteries for this! blerg! and it took six of them!!!!

today....this morning....the first 6 ran out! after 1 year and four months i FINALLY changed the batteries.

i love my faucet even more now.


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