

a year of goals.

in tradition with the new year we all rush around and try to create a new "us".
lose weight.
be better.
quit smoking.
quit junk food.
love more.

9 times out of ten this is abandoned within the first month if not first few weeks.
that's why this year i have decided to not make resolutions but to set goals for myself.
achievable goals that have been on my plate or in the back of my mind for awhile. not really anything new...well maybe a handful of new things.
things i have to buckle down and do. and i think if i approach it this way then i WILL get them done.

i will make myself.

the reason i think this way is more feasible? because these are achievable goals and these are things i know i actually want to do. and because for most of these i have already invested the money in the supplies - i just lack the motivation for getting them done.

this all ties in with my one little word for the year - do. {in the back of my mind though brave and me are whispering to me and i think i will embrace them as well.}

and i decided that if i post my month goals here at the start of each month and then document my progress at the end, this will help me keep on track and actually get things done and not fall back into old habits...getting everything to a point then switching focus and starting something new.

this way i will be accountable and therefore motivated.
i think i might even start a new tab up top to document this all down. to track my progress.
i'm excited for this.
my house is going to look so good at the end of the year!!! {most projects revolve around that core subject!}

this is kind of sounding like resolutions...isn't it?


  1. This is great! Excited to

  2. Good luck Jen! This is just how I feel about my "mighty life list"!
