

skiing - finally!

as i child i skied. it was part of who we were. once we could do it on our own we were sent off for adventure. we had a ski hill pretty much in our backyard {remember the hill where the vancouver olympics mogul competition was? the canadian gold medal winning one? yep that's the hill!} so naturally we skied.

i love it.

i had visions of us as a family skiing the slopes. enjoying time together. you know - the whole package.

then four summers ago i went and broke my leg. bollocks.
and not just the leg. the ankle. and even though you have a boot on, the stress you put on that part is crazy so for that moment skiing was out.

enter present day. i was determined this year to get them on the slopes. they are old enough but not too old. my leg has felt great. it was time.

gorgeous day. happy family. all geared up. it was fixing to be wonderful.

after a few rough starts and some terribly sticky snow we were off. aydan was doing quite well. figuring out the turning, the snowplow, to not go straight down the slope {as i could tell she was dying to do.} cooper was another story. he couldn't get it. he was falling this way and that. he wasn't listening. he was running into snowbanks. he was crying. tony was fuming.

so we took a break. had a little lunch. tried to change the mood.

it was decided at lunch that aydan and me would go back out. tony and coop would hang at the main lodge. i accepted this for about 2 minutes. i thought no we are out here together, we are doing this together. he will get it. he will get it.

he got it.

we went back and it was like he just decide enough was enough and he was going to show us his moves. the little stinker. HE CAN SKI!! the whole time he could do it but it was like he didn't want to do it. after 2 runs, he took off, looked back grin in place and skied the run with no falls. he even skied under an obstacle! aydan, of course, was wonderful and it was such a dream to ski a run with my little girl!

the plan was to go out for one more hour...we were there for about 3 more. run after run they were improving and we were having fun as a family. the fun i had imagined four years earlier. yes the first part was rocky, to say the least, but the last part was wonderful. while we were out there, huge fluffy silent snowfalkes started tumbling down all around us just adding to the magic.
that's what it was - magic.

it's up there with one of my best day.
thanks guys.


we had decided to only take the iphone with us - which was hard for me but i couldn't see myself up there with my big camera - except we had some storage issues plus i was having to much fun to think about picture {shocking i know!} so we got what we got. and i'm okay with that. i asked to tony to put the little videos i captured together so i could show them off here. this is what i got.
he's a pretty great guy. a definite keeper.

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