


as many of you know i took march off from this space to get my house in order, spend time with my kids and breathe. it's been awesome. probably one of the better things i have done. i found myself burning the candle at both ends, too many irons in the fire, run ragged.
i am more refreshed now.

yes i still have too many irons in the fire {i LOVE that saying} but i am finding myself managing them better and letting go of deadlines and i have to get that done more.
sitting back...slightly. {let's not get carried away here - i don't think i will ever find myself as laid back and relaxed as one is on a chaise lounge, fruity drink in hand. ever.....unless i am somewhere where that behavior is required. demanded.}

but i lived. i created. i enjoyed.

+st. patrick's came out of no where and there was no resting around here. cooper won a giant tie in his kindergarten class for having the most shamrocks - he earned them by being a good and helpful leprechaun. good for you buddy!

+aydan's weekend was jam packed with two days of irish dancing! saturday was spent dancing for a retirement home and on sunday her school took part in the annual saint patricks day parade in downtown montreal! she did so well - she's the one in the pink pom pom hat. it was so much colder this year than last year!!! holy smokes!

+the following friday was spent at a cabane a sucre {sugar shack} in the countryside with the brownies. we went at night this time and after dinner there was a dj for the kids and it turned into a real disco! the kids went wild when a certain song came on. can you guess which one?? {it has a style all it's own! ha!}

+the next saturday was filled with another irish dance performance - this time for our local legion.

+last week tony went to a conference in san francisco. there was an award show as well tied into the conference and....far cry 3 won two audio awards!!! the fearless audio director for the game {who we call dad in these parts} went up to accept the two awards! well done tony and the whole audio team from far cry 3!!

+ we decided to celebrate his win with make-your-own ice cream sundaes back home! aydan has been asking for these and was pretty excited when she realized what all the fixings were for! {we may have gotten a little out of control with the whip cream.....}

+while tony was away my mom came to visit for a couple of days. kids love their grandma time!!!

+oh yeah...i re-painted the tv room coffee table. for a while i have wanted to get my hands dirty with a sander and paint and since this week i had a couple extra days off i decided to tackle this. more on this later.....

+create. create. create. i decided that if i want our tv room finished on this side of the decade i have to get my sewing machine in gear. i gave it quite the workout!

+sunday was easter. tony was home. it was a perfect lazy day filled with egg hunts, movies, giggles, board games and a wonderful ham dinner. i made my best stuffing yet!!!!

+for april fools we decided to haul out some christmas decorations to give a little spin to the morning. {thanks for the idea amanda!}

+monday was a day off as well and i found this - aydan quietly working on her lego friends in her room with the sunshine flooding in. awesome moment in time.

+i have been stumbling on scenes like this one quite often lately and it makes my heart happy. this is what it's all about. i live for moments like this. the getting along. the love. siblings.

there you go - that's it! did i get all i wanted to get done this month? no. did i get most things crossed off my march list - not even close. but there is always this month......and lucky for me the snow hasn't melted yet so i can't quite move my efforts outdoors.


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