

kelowna 2013 | part 1

kelowna. kelowna. kelowna.

part of many many trips of my childhood. now a major part of one we can share with our kids.

as we rolled in to k-town {as the locals call it....yep....really i have no idea, ha!} i looked up on the weather what we might be expecting. this looked back at me - nice. i think we can handle that.

we arrived around 7:30pm to tony's sister's house. this was going to be a time FULL of extended family - tony's mom + three sister's with their families + plus our two great nieces...yes you heard that right!
as people arrived over the next three days it was a lot of this....

and this....

and some of this.....

and these hooligans showed up....

this was the view from the coveted spot on the patio,

we had a scavenger hunt night - go team three!!!

and there was also a present grab night - it actually got pretty ruthless!

everyday there was something scheduled to do - did i mention they have a boat and lake okanagan is near by????

on wednesday we took off from the house and pool - why you ask? to take the kids go-karting!!! what a blast! i remember going as a kid when we would visit our cottage on vancouver island but we had yet to take the kids. coop is still too short to ride solo so he rode shotgun with tony. aydan "the roadster" on the other hand was able to be in one by herself and was a total beast! she loved it - a natural. she may have cut some corners on the first run - they needed their lawn mowed right? but by the time lap two came around she got the hang of it and was not to be stopped. awesome afternoon. we dragged their uncle mike and cousin josh with us - i really don't think they minded too much.

also during this time someone YOU know decided, for some ghastly reason, to turn 36! the nerve of her! to celebrate this special occasion, her amazingly wonderful husband decided that she needed to be treated and took them all jet-skiing. thank you honey - one of my best birthday's ever!

as we unloaded the jet-ski's & handed them off to the next group - mike, josh and jamie - and boarded the boat, the fun continued with some tubing and a surprise performance by my sister-in-law's on the tube themselves. we stuck chad on there too to keep an eye on them.

the kids drove the boat in and the night ended with hot dogs, cake and an indoor movie {supposed to be outdoors but we heard thunder rumbling and didn't want to take the chance!} all in all great birthday night.

friday brought along new surprises and a fun party. my other maid of honour, cara, called to say her and her family were going to be in town for the weekend - they had driven in from calgary the night before - and had the morning free!! what luck - i got to see my two life long besties on this trip! we haven't seen each other in 4 years!!! so yes, of course we were going to see them. we met them for mini-golf, more go-karts {this time coop and me were a duo} and then hit the arcade. the kids got along so well that it's a shame we live so far apart.....

after our time was up with them we headed back to the house and there there was a summer party starting up! friends of my sister & brother-in-law came to meet and greet with us - with a surprise appearance from cousin darlene! there was a sit-down dinner, a masked avenger sighting, a pinata and, in true summer form, a water gun fight - kids vs. adults. someone had put water filled pistols IN the pinata......
great night. perfect way to end a great week.

the weekend arrived and with that people started to leave. saying good bye sucks. but at least it was a great week together!!

until next time.....

{don't stray too far...i still have another week to tell you about!!}


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