

campaigning for votes.

it's that time of year again and here i am campaigning for your votes!!
it's the Circle of Mom's annual top 25 Canadian Mom blogger awards!


Last year you all helped me cinch the 25th spot and this year i know we can do better.
i know i wasn't around much lately but i have good personal excuses.
but that's what they are...personal.
i can hear you all screaming - please tell us!! we need to know!
sorry...not going to happen.
at least not this time.

all you need to know is that i am back in top form and ready to be here for YOU!

I have loads of exciting stuff planned and coming up but for right now i really need those votes!

here how it works:

- you follow the link here or by clicking on the above graphic or button on the side bar.
- you find us, Experience the Wonderful, currently #43...hopefully a little higher when you go there.
- click on "vote" and ta-da! the job is done!
- one thing: your vote is reset every 24 hrs so you can at least vote 13 times in the next 13 days!! wow if everyone did that....well you get the picture!

so there you go!
don't let me keep you - please go vote!

well i have to go and spackle the bathroom and you have to go vote!!

go on now.....

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