

the out-of-towners.

last weekend we stole away and went to one of our favorite places. it is a wonderful place filled with good friends and always a great time. this time was a little different. we went for a surprise party for one of the main people we see on these trips. mike & the boys house {that's what we lovingly call it.} is usually the first stop when we get there and we always stay there as they do when they come to our house.
this time, though, it was a little different.

this weekend we were part of the surprise!

this excited and confused the kids a little. there were a couple "when are we getting to mike's? when do we get to see finn and eamon?" and after the millionth time explaining we got the big, "WE ARE STAYING AT A HOTEL?? With a pool?! YIPEE!!!"
when we finally got there, i never saw them again......

we arrived friday and had to somewhat lay low till saturday at 4. now the town that this is in is a big town but a small town. you know those kinds? we had some funny escape plans if in fact we did see them - being in a town 7 hours away from home you wouldn't just bump into each other - their shopping isn't THAT great.

the kids and me went to check out the new-to-canada target and had three plans in mind should we bump into them - plan 1) stuff our selves in the doll/stuffy display and hope they don't notice, plan 2) pretend we are mannequins and plan 3) RUN!! Tony had come with a more exceptable one that we were there to support our friend at the children's book author fair going on in toronto on sunday....yeah that was a good one - i had forgotten that one......

anyways when it came right down to it he was surprised & mortified {hates being the center of attention}, brian & marsha's has the best pool ever so the kids were busy {plus there were a ton of other kids there!}, we partied all night long and had fun.

taking a minute out of the busy pool schedule to say surprise and hello.
her too.
giving mike his gift.

the luxurious robe from us to him.
custom lego set from his sister-in-law...there is actually a mike guy there as the announcer! so cool and perfect for the lego obsessed family!
aydan with aunt kelly and the card the kids picked out for mike.
all the guys together - they have been close friends since high school!!

the downside was that we were leaving the next day and we didn't get our full 48 hours worth of visiting in. we stuffed some in on sunday and then headed off.
short and sweet.

until the snow starts to fly.....

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