


as i sit here today - munching on a ham and cheese croissant watching the snow flakes fall and listening to the boys playing on the xbox - i am reflecting on our christmas this year and how it was NOTHING like how i had pictured it. this year i felt like we were in such a rush. other commitments came first and the real traditions of the holidays got pushed aside.
there was no baking.
there was no blogging.
there was no skating.
there were no gingerbread houses.
there was NO SANTA. {we never got to see him and get a photo. :( }

there were, however, snowstorms, work and colds/flu. lots of all three and they consumed all of our time. work took over our time. snow took away our visit with santa. the flu commanded it's presence on christmas day. we did still do some christmasey things this season but it was nothing like in years past.

i just hope we can navigate this new rhythm of our life, master the beat and dance our way through 2014 effortlessly.

that's my resolution.
what's yours?

all the best in 2014 - HAPPY NEW YEARS!!

these are all photo's from instagram. are you on instagram? i'm @jengronick if you want to follow along on our adventures!!

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