

the sights of winter.

four years ago we moved from mild vancouver {yes they do get a lot of rain!} to cold cold cold quebec.
to say it was a shock is an understatement. sometimes i miss the rain. some days i would rather the rain.
that being said we have tried hard to embrace all that comes with the changing seasons and that includes winter.

now we are not complete crazy people - we do stay inside all bundled up when it's around minus 25, although you would never guess it was that cold outside for those always happen to be the sunniest days and the most appealing for those looking from the inside out! but when the temperatures hit -12 there is a sense of it not being too bad and we are bundled and pushed out. the great thing about these temperatures is that tony has been able to create a backyard rink. he has a love for skating and this way he can easily share it with the kids and get their skills up as well. win win. they spend hours out there playing redbull ice crush, doing obstacle courses, learning basic hockey skills and how to do figure eights. there are becoming real Quebecois! haha.

now for me - i still need a bit of convincing. i shy away from the low temps and i'm not as eager to walk the dog at night but i am getting better {just don't consult my husband on this! ha!}. i'm just not used to it and still feel like that vancouver girl at my core. it just seems too cold sometimes when to others it might feel normal. i will get over it sooner or later. i better.

the exciting part is that we have, for the past two winter's now, discovered the local ski hills and that's where my focus lies. i'm so happy we live near some sort of ski hill. my best memories growing up involve being dropped at the hill {cypress always.} with my sister for the day and sometimes being fortunate enough to have a gang of us up there ruling the slopes until the lights come on and we are forced to leave. i stole the kids away on monday - they had a day off of school - and went to a local mountain for the afternoon. we pretty much had the place to ourselves and it was magic. they don't quite share my love of skiing now but i am sure they will come around. hopefully. the days we can go up are here and there - weather is too cold or prior commitments that already rule the day limit our play time - but when we can go it's heaven.

i can't wait for the day THEY beg me to go - instead of the other way around.
that day you will not be able to wipe the smile from my face.


as some of you may have noticed this space has been a little quite lately. there are a few reasons for that 1) although i have been cooking delicious food and i am dying to share the in's and out's with you i am, unfortunately, not cooking at 11am and photographing it at night in the winter is the pits!! and 2) i have taken a job outside of the house for now and 3) i am trying to decided what i am going to do when i grow up and that takes some planning. lots of planning. oh and we have decided to put our house up for sale. that's a big one there. that's makes it a lot harder for time for this space because all the little things of life are also taking over: laundry, homework, breakfast, lunch, my time to connect here and photograph/edit have been taken by those other tasks. that being said i am not closing down all together - i am just not being able to post three to five times a week like i once did, which actually does make me a little sad. i love this space so much and want to thank everyone who comes by and supports it. you can always see what we are up to via instagram {@jengronick} and if i ever post a food shot there that has you curious please drop me a line and i will fill you in - it would be my pleasure!!

talk soon! xx

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