

2 years.

here we are.
2 years in our house.
i like milestones. i like to think about them, celebrate them, document them, smile at them.

as i was thinking about this anniversary i realized....this is the longest we have stayed put in a house since our kids were born!
i couldn't believe it but it's true.
let me walk you through it.

2 months shy of aydan's 2nd birthday we moved from downtown vancouver to a suburb an hour outside of the city {we didn't have a million dollars for a vancouver fixer upper - can you believe we didn't have that?? chump change. ha! - so it was country life or us!}.
then on the one year mark of being in the townhouse the husband declared that we were putting the place on the market - he really wanted out of there. okay. i think i had just hung the last picture and was proud of the place THAT DAY!
by some grace of god we got the offer on the townhouse two hours before our offer on the other house expired! that's called cutting it close - real close.
out we got and into our house, august 29th, 2008.
a definite up-grade. four walls, detached. yard all around.
now we were the proud parents of a three year old and a 1 and a half year old.
fast forward to two months before aydan's 5th birthday and we made the move out east to our home now.
and here we are two years later.
celebrating a milestone. an anniversary.
we made cinnamon rolls. they were the perfect sweet treat for such an occasion. 

when i think back to the post i wrote last year commemorating the one year in the house, i reminded of how far we have come.
a few more rooms have been painted.
more landscaping has been done.
and this new town of ours is starting to feel like home {although i do have to habit of still calling vancouver "home" - as in "well back home...." i need to stop that. now.}

is this our forever home? no.
will it do for the next 5 years? yes.

so here's to the next five years!!


  1. Happy 2nd anniversary! It's one thing to move from a small apartment, but quite another to move houses with 2 little kids in tow (and so much stuff, I'm sure)! Glad you have found your home - congratulations!

  2. thanks lisa! i am happy with it too - with just some more paint over here and a touch here it's going to sparkle. i got an email from a friend in vancouver saying "5 years?? you won't come back for that long?" personally i don't know if we will ever go back but it was nice to hear we are missed!
