

portfolio night.

i love aydan's achool.
L O V E.
have i mentioned that before?
love it.
yes there are some things that bug me about it - i wish the french content was higher - but overall i love it.
i love how engaged with the kids the faculty are. invested. concerned. encouraging.
and i am not just talking like this because i am on the governing board for the school.
i truly think it's an exceptional place.

once a year they have something called "portfolio night."
we as parents get to go into the class and go through aydan's work with her.
see her progress.
her growth.

this also gives coop the opportunity to peek into what he is in for next year.
now we didn't get to all of it - missed out on the gym and the music room - but overall we got a good look at where she is now from where she started and we couldn't be prouder.
her reading is above par and her maths are excellent.
yes there are some elements we have to work on.....we need prettier printing and more focus to develop her stories. her teacher told us she has great ideas when called upon she just loses focus when it comes to writing them down....{hmm, reminds me of someone. someone who's inspirational word for this year is focus......oh yeah - me!}
and her desk is a MESS!!
no surprise should she her room!

Aydan with her groups recycling robot.


  1. This is awesome, Jen. Looks like Aydan's school is amazing!

  2. it is amazing...i was so lucky that we got to tour the two english schools in town and pick. if we chose to go to french {with all the french from birth kids - which we thought would be to difficult...a decision i am regretting} we would have to go to our neighbourhood school and who knows what we would have got! i am happy we got to pick and she is thriving. for me the clincher on the tour was that the principal knew all the kids she encountered by name. love that.
