

batter up!

who's ready for some baseball??!!!
i hope cooper is.

he is.

this year we are switching his focus from soccer to baseball. as some of you might remember we spent a better part of last years summer at the soccer pitch cheering on two kids that ran around the edges and actually never once really went for or kicked the ball.

obviously not our sport.

after observing coop for most of the year and seeing him excel at skiing - an individual sport - we thought about baseball. a team sport that focuses on individual performance and doesn't have that "bee swarm" mentality. perfect for him.

he loves it.
after 2 weeks of field play i noticed a vast improvement already and he seems to have come out of his shell and is interacting with the {mostly} french kids on his team.
no more shyness towards the unknown.
a breakthrough.

he participated in a skills competition over the weekend and although he didn't place he was in the top ranks - we are so happy for him. watch out for next year though...he going to wipe the floor with'em! ha! {not good sportsmanship, i know.}

he's been asking every day with excitement if it's baseball night - a sure sign in this house it's going well.

since aydan is very busy during the year we decided to give her the summer off.
we will though be performing pop quiz performance drills just to keep her on her toes.


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