


over the weekend we celebrated a little girl turning eight.
such a grown up number.
such a grown up little girl. when did this happen?????

i can remember the day we met her just like it was yesterday. it was a friday and we arrived at the hospital at 6:45am, 8 cm dilated and already well on our way. 6 and a half hours later {should have only been two but that's a story for another day.}, we met our new addition. the one that took us from two to three.
that moment we were no longer a couple - we were now a family.

we decided this year to have the party out of the house and we chose a local park that has a small splash park. with all the rain that has been going on here {you would think it's vancouver!!! ha!} we were crossing our fingers and toes all week long that saturday was going to be nice cause otherwise the party was at the house {yuck.}.

all that crossing paid off!!! it was gorgeous! it was awful that days before and rained on father's day the next day but we got saturday. the splash park was open, the sun was shining, there was a perfect breeze and all her friends came.

that to me is a success.
that to me is a great way to ring in eight.

this was the best reaction - it was a $40.00 gift card to claires from her friends sophie & mia but aydan didn't see the period and exclaimed, "$4000??!!!!! i got a gift card for $4000!!!" too cute!

happy birthday sweetheart!!!

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