
project: december daily. december 20th.

welcome to day 20.

today we made potato stamp wrapping paper. the experience turned out quite differently than when the plan was first hatched but fun was definitely had by all. the paper actually did turn out rather pretty.

i used it as the background for my page.
added simply white card stock for the journaling and jazzed it up with an outline of red glitter glue.


well still on the fence about this project but the kids sure had fun! decided to set up on the floor and stripe everybody down to their diapers and underpants respectively (hence no shots of kids) and get to work. at first we were stamping and it was going well and then we fell off course. it turned into a full finger and body painting party! (got coop's foot imprint!) kids had the best time then it was all up to the bath where they had an even better time! we did end up with some pretty good paper and the present that is lucky enough to wear such spiffy attire should be proud!
temperature -11.

the before pages:

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